Get Involved
As a Business
As a Business you can make a one off donation or make regular donations, like a very small portion of your sales - you will see your tree count grow very rapidly, remember $1 usd = 10 trees planted. Your own tree count is a very powerful tool to communicate to you customers and drive more sales. Yvon Chouinard (founder of Patagonia) said “Every time we've done the right thing it's ended up making us more money”. If you want to get more information as a business please get in touch.
Create a profile to make regular donations and track your tree count.
Once you have created you business profile and logged in you can donate by clicking any of the donate buttons on this website.
Make sure you are logged in before donating if you wish to track your donations and tree count.
As an Individual
As an Individual you can make a one off donation or regular donations and create your own try count. If you want to make multiple donations and track your progress then create a profile before you donate by clicking below. If you have questions, please get in touch.
Create a profile to make regular donations and track your tree count.
Make sure you are logged in before donating if you wish to track your donations and tree count.
Corporate Partnership
Create your own partnership If you are a business looking to pant trees long term with significant investment then you can apply to partner with Eden, the resources can be found below.
If you would like an introduction to the reforestation charity, Eden, or simple have some questions, about creating a partnership please click through above to see the resources.
Pete Oswald gives a presentation to the Southern Hemisphere Alpine Conference (SHAC) about Ski for Trees and how businesses can use the same idea to offset their operations and increase profit.
$1 = 10 trees planted
Ski for Trees 2021 is about anyone getting involved to plant trees in developing countries to mitigate climate change, rescue our winters and lift our poorest people out of poverty.
Individuals, groups & businesses… anyone can get involved.